【学内向け公募情報】See below for the English version.
講師は梨花女子大学Peter Kipp助教授で、プログラムは全て英語で行われます。
応募者には、参加を希望する理由を書いたエッセイ(about 300 words in English)及び、自身のこれまでのディベート経験を書いて提出してもらいます。
九州大学 言語文化研究院 ディベート教育研究室 事務担当者宛
debate★flc.kyushu-u.ac.jp (★→@に変えてください。)
Dear students of Kyushu University,
We are happy to announce a financial assistance program for those students who will participate in debate workshop held in Ewha Womans University in South Korea on July. The entire program will be conducted in English. The financial support will cover traveling between Fukuoka and Seoul. The number of students to support will vary based on the availability of the fund and the number of applicants.
Required qualifications for applicants:
(1)Undergraduate or graduate students enrolled in Kyushu University as of Spring 2019.
(2)Experiences in competitive parliamentary debate in Kyushu University.
If you decide to apply, you will be asked to submit an essay to explain why you want to participate in this workshop (about 300 words in English) and a of your debate experiences.
HOW TO APPLY: Please contact “FLC Debate Education” at <debate★flc.kyushu-u.ac.jp>(★→@)with your name and affiliation to get more detailed information.