Japan-US Exchage Debate 2017

As a part of “Japan-US Exchange Debate 2017 tour” sponsored by Japan Debate Association, US debaters’team give a lecture and some open debates at Kyushu University Faculty of Languages & Cultures on June 13th.

They are going to give a lecture and debates with international students and ESS members.
The events are all in English without Japanese translation.
A reservation is required for only program (1) Demonstration Policy Debate with International Students.

<US debate team>
Dr.John M. Kephart Ⅲ (Associate Professor of Communication Studies and Director of Forensics, California State University, Northridge)
Elijah Smith(Graduate student, Wake Forest University)
Allison Foust(Student, Regis University)

(1)Demonstration Debate in the International Undergraduate Program in English)

10:30 – 12:00. Ito Center Zone Building One, Classroom 1403

An undergraduate debating course will invite the visiting American debate team to join the demonstration debate “Resolved: That US law enforcement agencies (such as the FBI) should have the right to force technology companies (such as Apple) to provide backdoor access. The US debaters (Mr. Elijah Smith from Wake Forest University and Ms. Allison Foust from Regis University) will join the teams of our international students. The accompanying debate coach, Dr. John M. Kephart III will give some feedback after the debate.

Maximum Number of Participants:30 people
※Please make a reservation for observing this debate.
Mail: debate★flc.kyushu-u.ac.jp
Please change ★ to @.

(2)Talk & Discussion “Academic Debate and Minorities in the US

13:30 – 14:30. SCS-FLC Building 321(比較社会文化・言語文化研究教育棟)

Talk & Discussion ““Changing trends in US academic debate: Reaching minority communities”

Dr. John M. Kephart III will talk about recent trends in educational debating activities in the U.S. in relation to an issue of accommodating diversities and empowering academically less privileged students in traditionally elitist activities of competitive debating. The talk will be followed by informal discussion among participants of graduate students and faculty members.

(3)Demonstration Debate in Japan’s High School Style (HEnDA)

17:00-18:00. Ito Center Zone Building Two, Classroom 2107

Kyushu University students and the visiting American debaters of the Japan-U.S. Exchange Debate Japan Tour 2017 will split into two teams to debate this year’s high school national debate topic in Japan “Resolved: That Japan should significantly relax its immigration policies.” The US debaters are Mr. Elijah Smith from Wake Forest University and Ms. Allison Foust from Regis University.

(4)Demonstration Debate in Asian Parliamentary Style

18:30-20:00. Ito Center Zone Building Two, Classroom 2107

Kyushu University students from the ESS and the visiting American debaters of the Japan-U.S. Exchange Debate Japan Tour 2017 will split into two teams to debate under the format of the Asian-style “Parliamentary Debate” in which the motion is announced on the spot and all speeches will be extemporaneous. The US debaters are Mr. Elijah Smith from Wake Forest University and Ms. Allison Foust from Regis University.

※Japan-U.S. Exchange Debate at Kyushu University is sponsored by the JDA Kyushu Chapter, Kyushu University Faculty of Languages & Cultures, and Kyushu University ESS, supported by KAKENHI (26282054).
(See http://flc.kyushu-u.ac.jp/~debate/ for other events.)
The Japan-U.S. Exchange Debate Japan Tour 2017 (June 6-27) is hosted by the Japan Debate Association (JDA), with a special support of GTEC, in cooperation with the National Communication Association, Committee on International Discussion and Debate (NCA-CIDD)and All Japan High School English Debate Association (HEnDA). (See https://www.facebook.com/japan.debate/ for the updated tour information.)