「International Friendship Debate: Japan and Korea」カテゴリーアーカイブ
2017英語ディベート国際親善試合(International Friendship Debate)
2017年8月22日に英語ディベート国際親善試合(International Friendship Debate)が九州大学伊都キャンパスにて開催されます。
Four mixed teams whose members from Kyushu University ESS and Ewha Womans University DAE debated the motion “This house believes that the government should increase support for exports of pop-culture.”
Kyushu Univ. ESS & Ewha Womans Univ.
Professor Peter Kipp, Ewha Womans University (Korea)
Conducted by Professor Narahiko Inoue, Kyushu University
2012 国際親善英語ディベート
International Friendship Debate in English
Kyushu University ESS vs. Debate Association of Ewha