Debate Seminar 2008 Kyushu University

Professor Wolfgang Michel, Dean of the Faculty of Languages & Cultures gives an opening address at the Debate Seminar 2008 at Kyushu University. He talks about the importance of learning to debate in university.

2008年10月7日(火)九州大学六本松校舎で開催された「ディベートセミナー20­08 in 九州」においてESSパーラメンタリーディベートセクションの学生が行った解説。パー­ラメンタリーディベートは教育・訓練として行われるディベートのうち、即興型のもので­ある。

Demo debate between a Kyushu University ESS team vs. a visiting British team on the motion “This house believes that cancer patients should be informed about their diagnosis and prognosis.” The debate is co-sponsored by the English Speaking Union of Japan, Kyushu University Faculty of Languages & Cultures. Due to a copyright problem, part of the speeches are not available in this video.