Category Archives: Education


Kyushu Debate Workshop (Judging Academic Debate)

This is a half day hands-on workshop for prospective teachers of academic debate in schools and universities, focusing on judging. An experienced debate instructor will explain how to judge a formal debate and the participants will watch and try to judge a demonstration debate using this year’s high school topic in Japan. Although primarily for instructors, anyone interested in debating including high school and college students are welcome.

Kyushu Cup 2016 (International Debate Tournament) – August 26-28

More than fifty international and domestic teams of experienced and beginning debaters will come to join these extemporaneous debate tournaments at Ito Campus. Our main tournament is the only Worlds Debating Format (British Parliamentary) international competition in Japan, supported by the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology (MEXT) and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Japan.