International Friendship Debate (with Korea’s Ewha Womans University) at Kyushu University

The annual International Friendship Debate, inviting Korea’s Ewha Womans
University Debate Association with Professor Peter Kipp is held this
Thursday, August 16th at Ito Campus. The debate features four Ewha debaters
and four Kyushu debaters in a world-standard format of the BP (British
Parliamentary). The topic to debate will be related to the UN SDGs in line
with the following Kyushu Debate Open international debate tournament
(August 17 & 18). Admission is free and no reservation is necessary.

Time: 17:30-19:30 (Thursday, August 16th)
Venue: Ito Campus Center Zone Building 1 (6th floor Room 1601)



16日(木)17:30-19:30 センター1号館 1601教室

教授 井上奈良彦

刊行物 刊行物