


教育面においては、1、2年生を対象とした英語、中国語、韓国語、ドイツ語、フランス語、スペイン語、ロシア語の7つの外国語基幹教育の責任部局です。多様で複雑な国際社会への対応に向けた複言語教育環境を今後も推し進めていきます。英語では、新カリキュラムのもとで、3、4年の高年次学生へ留学や大学院進学のための継続学習の機会を提供し、大学院基幹教育にも参画することで、入学時から大学院までの英語学習支援体制を構築します。さらに、マルチリンガル交流スペース(EZ ぷらっと)などの外国語学習支援施設を通した課外学習活動を充実させます。今後は、総合科目の開講や教育資源のデータベース化などによる学習内容や学習形態の多様化を通して、低年次の語学教育という従来の枠にとらわれない形での新たな教育的貢献を目指していきます。




Greetings from the Dean

The Faculty of Languages and Cultures is grounded on the philosophy of “promoting both applied and theoretical research on the world’s diverse languages, cultures, and societies, thereby contributing globally to the development of Japan and the international community through education in languages and cultures.”

In terms of education, the department is responsible for seven core foreign language courses: Chinese, English, French, German, Korean, Russian, and Spanish for first- and second-year students. We continue to promote a multilingual educational environment that prepares students for a diverse and complex international society. In English, under the new curriculum, the department will provide opportunities for third- and fourth-year undergraduates to continue their studies abroad or enter a graduate school, and we will also participate in graduate school core education, establishing an English language learning support system from the time of admission through to graduate school. Furthermore, we will enhance extracurricular learning activities through foreign language learning support facilities such as the Multilingual Exchange Space (EZ Plat). In the future, we aim to make further educational contributions in ways that go beyond the traditional framework of language education in the lower grades by diversifying learning content, extending learning formats, offering various integrated courses, and creating a database of educational resources.

As a research organization, the Graduate School of Language and Culture consists of two sections (the Department of Linguistic Environment and the Department of Multicultural Society) and four subdivisions (Language Education, Linguistics Information, International Symbiosis, and International Culture), with seven foreign languages as its vertical axis and research fields such as English education, applied linguistics, historical linguistics, semantics, pragmatics, intercultural communication, literary studies, area studies, media studies, and international cooperation and development. With this diverse range of research fields, we are actively involved in undergraduate education, core graduate education, and advanced graduate education.

As a designated national university, we are focused on the vision and mission that the university is pursuing. In the future, new initiatives will be continually required to revitalize both education and research. We take pride in being an active player making a valued contribution in foundational, undergraduate, and graduate education, as well as in foreign language education for the entire university alongside our individual research activities. Let us move forward to create new value while also accepting the few mistakes and hurdles along the way that come with progress.

July 2022
Director of the Faculty of Languages and Cultures, Kyushu University
Takahiro Otsu

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