
募集人員   助教(英語)1名(常勤)

所属         九州大学大学院言語文化研究院言語環境学部門

専門分野   言語学、英語教育学、コミュニケーション学、および関連分野



(2)基幹教育言語文化科目(英語)および関連科目の担当 週5コマ










着任時期   2019年4月1日

提出書類       J REC IN Portal (https://jrecin.jst.go.jp)の「九州大学大学院言語文化研究院言語環境学部門英語担当助教公募」公募情報に添付している履歴書および研究教育業績目録の書式を用いて、全ての書類をJ REC IN Portal Web応募または下記応募書類提出先まで電子メールで送付して下さい。











公募締切   2018年9月28日午後5時


〒819-0395 福岡市西区元岡744番地
九州大学大学院言語文化研究院言語環境学部門 教授 大津隆広
電子メール otsu@flc.kyushu-u.ac.jp

備考        九州大学では、「男女共同参画社会基本法」(平成11年法律第78号)、「障害者基本法」(昭45年法律第84号)、「障害者の雇用の促進等に関する法律」(昭和35年法律第123号)、および「障害を理由とする差別の解消の推進に関する法律」(平成25年法律第65号)の精神に則り、教員の採用を行っています。


[Available positions]

Assistant Professor (full-time), 1 position



Department of Linguistic Environment, Faculty of Languages and Cultures, Kyushu University


[Research field]

Linguistics, English education, Communication or related areas


[Job details]

(1) Conducting research in the Department of Linguistic Environment.
(2) Teaching English and other related courses (equivalent to five 90-minute classes per week).
(3) Development and management of the foreign language curriculum.
(4) Administrative duties in the Faculty of Languages and Cultures.
(5) University management including committee participation and entrance exams.

(6) It is possible that the successful candidate will teach courses at a graduate or undergraduate level in the future.



(1) A doctoral degree in Linguistics, English education, communication or related areas (The degree must have been already conferred or must be expected before the employment starts).
(2) Advanced communication skills in English and ability to teach classes in English.
(3) Ability to conduct administrative works in Japanese.
(4) Experiences in teaching English at a university level.


[Starting date]

[Application documents]

Each of the application documents (1) – (5) must be converted into a single PDF file and either submitted using the “Web application” function of J REC IN Portal (please use the attached CV and achievement forms) or sent to the contact address below via e-mail.
(1) Curriculum Vitae (attached form). Please include education and employment records, affiliated academic associations (with official titles if any), contact information (postal address, telephone number, and e-mail address), and two names and contact information of references.
(2) List of Academic Achievements (attached form). All the items should be listed in chronological order (most recent first) and labeled as “single-authored” or “co-authored”. Peer-reviewed publications should be marked as such. Grants such as the Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (KAKENHI) or other competitive funding should be listed. “Educational Experiences” must list courses previously taught and describe works related to curriculum development and management. Other items such as community involvement should be listed separately.
(3) Copies of three major research publications, including at least one work written in English. (Please circle the corresponding items in the list of academic achievements).
(4) Statement of teaching philosophy and research perspectives at Kyushu University. Both a Japanese version (less than 1,500 characters) AND an English version (less than 1,000 words).

(5) Copies of the highest degree certificates conferred. (If a doctorate degree is not in hand, send a document to show that the degree will be expected before the employment starts.)

(1) When you send the documents to the contact address below via e-mail, write “Application Documents for Assistant Professor” at the head of the subject space.
(2) The application documents will be used only for this screening purpose.

[Selection process]
(1) After reviewing the application documents, candidates might be invited for an interview.
(2) All transportation and accommodation fees for the interview must be paid by the candidates themselves.
(3) After the final selection has been made, all the applicants will be notified of the result via e-mail.

[Application deadline]

2018/09/28 (5 p.m. Japan Time)

[Contact details]
Takahiro OTSU
Professor, Kyushu University
Faculty of Languages and Cultures
Motooka, Nishi-ku, Fukuoka
819-0395 JAPAN
Email: otsu@flc.kyushu-u.ac.jp


[Additional Information]

Kyushu University employs faculty members in accordance with the principles of the Basic Act for a Gender-Equal Society (1999), the Basic Act for Persons with Disabilities (1970), the Act for Promotion of Employment of Persons with Disabilities (1960), and the Act on the Elimination of Discrimination against Persons with Disabilities (2013).

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