
Japan-US Exchange Debate (Wed., 6/14)

After a few years of online events due to COVID restrictions, we are
happy to welcome the visiting American debate team at Kyushu University
Ito Campus. Please come to any of the events including a
lecture/discussion, an evidence-based “Policy Debate” about gestational
surrogacy, and extemporaneous-style “Parliamentary Debate” followed by
an informal party.

日時 2023年6月14日(水)
場所 伊都キャンパス センター1号館(変更の可能性あり)
13:00-14:30. Lecture/Discussion: “Value of Debate”
14:50-16:20. Policy Debate (HEnDA style, Japan’s high school nationals)
16:50-18:10. Parliamentary Style Debate
18:30-20:00. Informal party

詳細はこちら https://www.kyushu-u.ac.jp/ja/events/view/1488
More details are here: https://www.kyushu-u.ac.jp/en/events/view/378

参加申し込みフォーム https://forms.gle/i945NDFnFTMvCSTD6

Contact: debate@flc.kyushu-u.ac.jp

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