Title: “The Arts of the Atomic Age” – Book Talk
Speaker: Gabrielle Decamous
Place: Kyushu Central Library, Cute Commons 4F
Language: English
場所:九州大学中央図書館 きゅうとコモンズ 4F
時間:6月6日 16:40~18:10
The effects of radiation are invisible, but art can make it and its effects visible. Artwork created in response to the events of the nuclear era allow us to see them in a different way. They also help us to re-investigate the politics of the atomic age and in particular the persistent use of censorship.
In this talk, Gabrielle Decamous will explore the atomic age from the perspective of the arts, investigating atomic-related art inspired by the work of Marie Curie, the bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, the Cold War tests in the Pacific, the disaster at Fukushima, and other episodes in nuclear history.
This book talk is organized by the Faculty of Languages and Cultures and based on the recent publication “Invisible Colors: The Arts of the Atomic Age” (MIT Press, 2019).
More at https://mitpress.mit.edu/contributors/gabrielle-decamous
このトークイベントは、デカマス先生の近著“Invisible Colors: The Arts of the Atomic Age” (MIT Press, 2019)に基づき、言語文化研究院が主催するものです。